You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2010.

All hail Huntley Miller (aka Cepia). Have I mentioned him on this blog before? I should have.

He’s the Minneapolis dude who’s really doing something in the IDM scene. I’ve been on a huge electronica kick lately (for the past year basically), and today I spent a while listening to Cepia tracks on myspace and youtube. Here’s some highlights…

Hey all. I’m back from the Harms tour in Romania. The trip was really incredible. I am always struck by the fact that my drums are so familiar to me – as in I sit at them all the time – but then I constantly get to look out from behind the drums and see new venues and landscapes. Romania is a great country and I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to go.

Here’s a short clip from a gig we did in a Gypsy village outside the city of Iasi (pronounced “yash”)…

Well, I leave tomorrow for the Romania tour with Jason Harms. If any of you have interest in following the happenings of the trip you can check out Jason’s Tour Blog.  We’ll be posting updates along with photos/videos.

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