You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2010.

Mike Johnston is the reason why Risen Drums filmed a bunch of video lessons with me a couple years ago – his video lessons were the inspiration.  Now, most of his lessons are very advanced and therefore not widely applicable, so the vision for the Risen lessons was to be more relevant for average drummers across a wide spectrum of styles.  But the idea still came from Johnston, who at this point is the reigning king of video drum lessons.

PS… like I said, his lessons are mostly super-gospel-chops-craziness, but everybody will benefit from the exercise at 2:45…

HT: Travis Faust

I’ve had the blog for almost two years now. Nice.

I post a lot of random crap, so here’s a short medium list of the more worthwhile topics from last year…

2nd half of the Video Lesson Series
Studio Interview Series
The Playbook
Are lyrics “music”?
What Is Pop?
Drummer Disease
Snare hand: “butt-side”
Bonham’s “Rock And Roll” intro fill
John Petrucci
ATTN: Steve Jordan fans…
“This is too difficult”
Genre-ism (music racism)
The Halls Of Creativity
How To Listen To Jazz
“Drummers Are Musicians Too”
The “Music Business”
This Is It
Good Songwriting
Artistic Success

PS… I did this kinda fast just now, so let me know if any of the links don’t work.

People seem to either love Springsteen or hate him. I’m one of the guys that loves him.

HT: McWhite

PS. I almost got to tech for Max Weinberg last week when he was in Minnesota for a NYE gig. Dang.

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