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A while ago I posted this video of my daughter Betty reciting the books of the Old Testament.  My buddy Bryan linked to it from his blog and everybody who cared to watch it got a good laugh.  Let’s face it – my daughter is super cute.

So now we have the video below, made by the brothers Ankrum (who I play music with on a regular basis).  They both know Betty real well… and they’ve apparently seen her Old Testament video a few times…

Hunnicutt tour is going well. My friend Christian Ankrum is playing bass, who I also play with in Joel Hanson’s band. Christian’s brother Aaron is Liz’s normal guitarist, but he couldn’t come this time, so Jeremy Sanoski came out for the tour. He’s another solo artist who’s band I’m in, so the lineup turned out to be a cool clustering of guys I play with all the time. It’s a lot of fun.

We’re in Spokane, WA right now playing for a women’s conference. The conference put the whole band up in the luxurious Double Tree Hotel attached to the convention center. Last night Christian and I made a video to showcase how nice the place is, and it’s pretty funny. Check it out.

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